A Java library that works with Hamcrest, for making typesafe assertions about the properties of objects.
Created for the slightly unusual case where we want to write Java 8 but convert to JDK7 bytecode using Retrolambda. In other words, this is intended to be used with a language that supports lambdas and method references, but is written in a language that doesn't.
Assuming that's your situation, here's how it works:
.with("name", Person::getName, "Arthur Putey")
.with("age", Person::getAge, greaterThanOrEqualTo(42));
If you're going to write lots of tests referencing the same property, you can pull it out into a re-usable object that gives you a slightly neater syntax:
ObjectProperty<Person, String> name = ObjectProperty.of("name", Person::getName);
ObjectProperty<Person, Integer> age = ObjectProperty.of("age", Person::getAge);
assertThat(person, AnObject.having(
name.of("Arthur Putey"),
The lambda supplied as a "getter" doesn't have to be a method reference - it can reflect any property of the object we want to make assertions about:
ObjectProperty<Person, Integer> numberOfSheds = ObjectProperty.of("number of sheds",
person -> person.getSheds().size());
assertThat(person, AnObject.having(numberOfSheds.of(2)));
As a shorthand for the case where you're just testing a single property, you can instead write:
assertThat(person, numberOfSheds.of(2));
There's some rudimentary lens-like behaviour too, because why not:
ObjectProperty<Person, Address> address = ObjectProperty.of("address", Person::getAddress);
ObjectProperty<Address, String> postcode = ObjectProperty.of("postcode", Address:getPostcode);
ObjectProperty<Person, String> addressPostcode = address.then(postcode);
assertThat(person, addressPostcode.of("VB6 5UX"));
Further, you can extend an existing matcher with further properties, getting a new matcher that leaves the original unchanged:
AnObject<Person> baseSpec = AnObject.having(name.of("Arthur Putey"));
AnObject<Person> oldArthur = baseSpec.with(age.matching(greaterThanOrEqualTo(40)));
AnObject<Person> youngArthur = baseSpec.with(age.matching(lessThan(40)));
assertThat(person, oldArthur); // Will match Arthur Putey aged 40+
assertThat(person, youngArthur); // Will match Arthur Putey in the prime of youth
assertThat(person, baseSpec); // Will match Arthur Putey irrespective of age
Finally, we have the AnIterable
matcher for extracting and matching properties of objects in Iterable
s, plus some AssertJ-envy:
List<Person> people = Arrays.asList(
new Person("Arthur Putey", 42, new Address("VB6 5UX")),
new Person("Arthur 'Two Sheds' Jackson", 30, new Address("RA8 81T"))
assertThat(people, AnIterable.withItems(name, contains("Arthur Putey", "Arthur 'Two Sheds' Jackson")));
ObjectProperty<Person, Pair<String, Integer>> nameAndAge = name.pairWith(age);
assertThat(people.get(0), nameAndAge.matching(tuple("Arthur Putey", 42)));
assertThat(people, AnIterable.withItems(
tupleWith(name, age, addressPostcode),
tuple("Arthur Putey", 42, "VB6 5UX"),
tuple(containsString("Two Sheds"), lessThan(40), equalTo("RA8 81T"))