An utility library for libgdx.
How to start?
In your project, define the version of the library you want to use:
Then add dependency:
api "com.gempukku.libgdx.lib:libgdx-gemp-lib:$gdxGempLibVersion"
If you want to use the Ashley integration, also add:
api "com.gempukku.libgdx.lib:libgdx-gemp-lib-ashley:$gdxGempLibVersion"
Camera 2D
The package provides classes to easily setup a camera system for 2D games.
Documentation available: Camera 2D documentation
Json Templates
It's cool to keep the data separate from your code, and Json files is the standard for LibGDX. However, do you really want to have SO MUCH duplication in those files? Json Templates comes to the rescue. It even comes with Ashley integration (optional).
Documentation available: Json Templates documentation
Finite State Machine
Finite state machines are very useful, for example for player state to manage animations, key input, etc. The FiniteStateMachine
class helps out with this. The class is simple enough, that no documentation is available at the moment.