This is a small selection of useful (for me) rules for building integration tests with AWS, Hadoop, Spark and Mongo. These rules can be used together to start up a mini environment required for a test.
The package has only one hard dependency - JUnit. All sub-rules will expect their requirements to be provided.
Each rule has a JUnit test which also serves as an example.
How to use
Utilizing your dependency framework of choice (Maven shown below) include both it and the rules dependencies in your applications build system.
Check above for the most recent release.
Starts up and shuts down a local Spark context between JUnit tests. Required spark-core.
Maven example:
Starts up and shuts down a local Hadoop DFS cluster between JUnit tests. Requires hadoop-minicluster.
Maven example:
Starts up and shuts down a local Hadoop DFS and YARN cluster between JUnit tests. Requires hadoop-minicluster.
Uses Flapdoodles' Embed Mongo to start up a Mongo server before each test and shut it down after each test. Requires de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo
Maven Example:
Uses Apache Mina SSHd to start up a SFTP server before each test and shut it down after each test. Requires org.apache.sshd.sshd-core
Maven Example:
Use S3Mock to create a S3 mock server at before each test and shut it down after each test. Requires io.findify.s3mock_2.11
Maven Example:
Uses the Local Amazon DynamoDB to create a in-memory, local DynamoDB instance. This rule handles all the SQLite native libraries stuff for you.
Maven Example:
<!--Custom repository:-->
<name>DynamoDB Local Release Repository</name>
Uses the Local Amazon DynamoDB to create a in-memory, local DynamoDB instance running over HTTP. This rule handles all the SQLite native libraries stuff for you.
Maven Example:
<!--Custom repository:-->
<name>DynamoDB Local Release Repository</name>
Uses Embedded PostgreSQL Server to start up a Postgres server during each test.
Maven Example:
Uses Embedded ElasticSearch to start up a ElasticSearch server during each test.
Maven Example:
Helper Rules
Sets up all the Spring Boot stuff when using Spring Boot and a supported database. This must be a @ClassRule
Sets up all the Spring Boot stuff when using Spring Boot and a Elastic Search. This must be a @ClassRule
Finds native libraries in your classpath and moves them to a single folder. See the DynamoDB rules for an example.