Constretto Play Module
This project is not actively maintained. Feel free to fork this repo and continue this effort if you actually need it
- Integrates the Constretto framework with Play
- Adds support for using Play's ID mechanism to specify environment.
- Makes all the properties in "application.conf" available for injection
- Injection of configuration for controller classes using Constretto's @Configuration annotation
- The module has been developed and tested with Play 1.2.4
public class Application extends Controller {
@Configuration(expression = "example.text")
static String text;
@Configuration(expression = "example.number", defaultValue = "0", required = false)
static Integer number;
If the configuration expression in the first property is not in found in application.conf, Constretto will throw a ConstrettoException (which is a RuntimeException) .
If you provide a value for the 'defaultValue' property like in the second property that will be used if Constretto can not find a value for the expression in the configuration file.
When you change values for the properties in application.conf and hit reload the Constretto Play modul will automatically re-inject values in to the annotated fields in all your controllers.
Change history
- v.01 (built 2012-01-25): basic integration with Play controllers done
If you have experience any issues or have change requests for this module, please use the GitHub issue tracker.