
Create and deploy release on Sentry from Maven





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Create and deploy release on Sentry from Maven
Project Organization

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Source Code Management

Source Code Management

Download sentry-release-maven-plugin

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compile (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-core jar 2.10.1
com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-databind jar 2.10.1
com.squareup.okhttp : okhttp jar 2.7.5
io.sentry : sentry jar 1.7.28
org.eclipse.jgit : org.eclipse.jgit jar

provided (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.apache.maven : maven-plugin-api jar 3.3.9
org.apache.maven : maven-core jar 3.3.9
org.apache.maven : maven-artifact jar 3.3.9
org.apache.maven.plugin-tools : maven-plugin-annotations jar 3.6.0

test (3)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.apache.maven : maven-compat jar 3.3.9
org.apache.maven.plugin-testing : maven-plugin-testing-harness jar 3.3.0
junit : junit jar 4.12

Project Modules

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Sentry Release Maven Plugin

In the Sentry releases documentation, version are set using the commit hash, which could be disturbing for a monitoring team. This plugin use the Maven pom.xml version set in the project instead. A release is always created on Sentry, without the 'SNAPSHOT' suffix.

Sentry Release Maven Plugin allow to create and deploy a release into Sentry monitoring tool. The aim of this plugin is to create and deploy release following the Maven conventions, while providing Git commits via the Sentry API. This plugin does not work with other SCM.

This plugin has been developed for Sentry 9.9.3.

Quick start

Configure the plugin

Add into your Maven project, into the <build> section, a plugin

        <sentryUrl></sentryUrl> <!-- NO TRAILING SLASH -->
        <repository>My Group / My Repository</repository>

Create or update release

Use the following command to create a release on the Sentry instance configured in the plugin

    mvn package sentry:release

Deploy a release

To appear, a release must be deployed. Use the plugin deploy phase. An environment must be provided as parameter

    mvn sentry:deploy -Dsentry.environment=preproduction

You can also bind an environment by setting the property into your project pom.xml. The following example tells Maven to set the Sentry environment from a environment variable, which can be defined into your CI pipeline for example.


Advanced configuration

To configure the plugin correctly, you must follow the steps bellow

Create an API Token

Firstly, you must create an API authentication token which allow the plugin to create and deploy a new release on Sentry. Login in your Sentry instance, then go to your account settings, in the "Auth Tokens" section.

Create a new token. Assign the project releases rights.

(Optional) Enable the repository integration

If available, you can set a repository integration (with GitHub or GitLab) in the Sentry instance. When it is done, create the repositories on which Sentry will listen to commits.

Add the plugin to Maven

In your build section, add the plugin with the configuration.

        <sentryUrl></sentryUrl> <!-- NO TRAILING SLASH -->
        <repository>My Group / My Repository</repository>

Parameters are the following


Sentry URL, which can be a SAAS or a self-hosted instance.

This parameter is mandatory


The organization slug.

This parameter is mandatory


API Authentication token which allow to create or deploy a release.

This parameter is mandatory


The optional repository name. If an SCM integration has been set, then this field must be the name of the repository as defined in the Sentry instance. Then, commits information are automatically provided by the integration plugin in Sentry and are not sent by the plugin.

If there is no repository integration, all commits information are sent to Sentry. Then, this field is optional.


Optionally force the plugin to send the commit information, event if a repository integration has been set.

If not provided, the default value is false. If the repository parameter has not been provided, this parameter is ignored.


List of all projects on which a release will be created.

Must at least contain one project.

(Optional) Bind Maven phases

You can bind Maven phases with this plugin, to be able to create and deploy a release while the deploy Maven phase.

         <sentryUrl></sentryUrl> <!-- NO TRAILING SLASH -->
         <repository>My Group / My Repository</repository>

Then, a release and a deploy are done when the following Maven command is executed.

    mvn clean package deploy

