Abacus Data Access&Analysis
- ORMs for NoSQL: MongoCollectionExecutor, CassandraExecutor with CQLBuilder, CouchbaseExecutor, HBaseExecutor, DynamoDBExecutor and Neo4jExecutor.
Download/Installation & Changes:
// JDK 1.8 or above:
compile 'com.landawn:abacus-da:1.9.29'
Functional Programming:
(It's very important to learn Lambdas and Stream APIs in Java 8 to get the best user experiences with the APIs provided in abacus-common)
An introduction to the java.util.stream library
Top Java 8 stream questions on stackoverflow
Kotlin vs Java 8 on Collection
User Guide:
Please refer to Wiki
Also See: abacus-common, abacus-jdbc, abacus-extra.
Recommended Java programming libraries/frameworks:
lombok, Jinq, jdbi, mybatis, Sharding-JDBC, mapstruct...awesome-java