MindsEye - Java 8 Neural Networks
Welcome! This is MindsEye, a neural network library written in Java 8. Low-level computation is provided by CuDNN and other native libraries.
Developer Guide - docs.google.com - Detailed Technical Documentation
Art Gallery - photos.google - Curated artwork generated by MindsEye
Component Documentation - simiacryptus.github.io/NetworkZoo/ - Test-generated documentation reports detailing each neural network component type.
JavaDocs - simiacryptus.github.io/MindsEye/apidocs/ - API documentation for the current release
Project Site - simiacryptus.github.io/MindsEye/ - The current maven-published site
Maven - mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.simiacryptus/mindseye - Dependency import information
Blog Articles - http://simiacryptus.com - Related articles from the author
Java - Use Java 8+, Scala, or any other JVM language.
Support for multiple GPUs and high performance math using native libraries including CuDNN, CUDA, and OpenCL.
A highly modular optimization engine - It can be configured for many popular algorithms, or customized for optimization research.
A large and extensible component library with a focus on automated testing and documentation.
Utilize server clusters with Apache Spark for data-parallel training.
Built-in JSON serialization for all networks.
Output Markdown or HTML Notebook-style reports for documentation and research.
Directly regress input datasets - learning is not limited to network weights.