Reproducible Plugin for Apache Maven (obsolete)
A simple Apache Maven plugin to provide some tests for the new reproducible build features of Apache Maven and its related plugins.
This plugin is designed to be run as part of both the preparationGoals
and completionGoals
element of the Maven Release Plugin.
When applied, any pom in the current maven session will be rewritten to include the new
property that is looked for by supported plugins:
Notice that the value of the
property injected is "now", then NOT reproducible: DO NOT EXPECT THIS PLUGIN TO MAKE YOUR BUILD REPRODUCIBLE. This plugin was only useful in 2019'Q3 to make early tests.
- add explicitely the
property to your reactor parent POM with your value of choice: the value is reproducible as it is simply written in the pom.xml, - let maven-release-plugin 3.0.0-M1 (see MRELEASE-1029) update the value of the timestamp during the release while it's doing other pom.xml updates, to get a
value that meet release expectations while remaining reproducible (simply written in pom.xml)
<preparationGoals>clean com.theoryinpractise:reproducible-maven-plugin:apply install
- Initial Release
2020Q1: mark this test plugin as obsolete, as it does not make build reproducible and is replaced by maven-release-plugin 3.0.0-M1 (see MRELEASE-1029)