Getting Started
Build yourself (for latest version) using Gradle or Maven, or simply download from Maven Central:
First let's define a command line:
CLI cli = new CLI() {{
name("petstore"); version("1.0");
description("A web application built without frameworks");
option("-e", "--environment ENV", "Environment to use for configuration (default: development)").defaultingTo("development");
option("-h", "--host HOST", "Host address to bind to (default:").defaultingTo("");
option("-p", "--port PORT", "Port to listen on (default: 8080)").ofType(int.class).defaultingTo(8080);
option("--timeout SECONDS", "Session timeout in seconds (default: 15 min)").ofType(int.class).defaultingTo(900);
flag("-q", "--quiet", "Operate quietly");
flag("-h", "--help", "Print this help message");
operand("webroot", "Location of the web application").ofType(File.class);
epilog("use --help to show this help message");
Now assuming program is started with:
-p 8088 -e production --timeout 9000 /path/to/webapp/root
Here's how we would parse the arguments:
cli.parse(args); // Typical program args
String env = cli.get("-e");
String host = cli.get("-h");
int port = cli.get("-p");
int timeout = cli.get("--timeout");
boolean quiet = cli.has("-q");
File webroot = cli.get("webroot");
Want to know more?
Checkout out usage examples