#Apache camel swagger plugin This plugin supports following goal
- generateSwagger - To generate swagger file from RestConfigurationDefinition
Library camel-swagger-java exposes swagger only during runtime. There is a need to work with static swagger file in some tools. For example during a build of maven project a swagger file is used in camel-restdsl-swagger plugin to generate consumer REST DSL RouteBuilder source code.
Adding plugin to your pom.xml
<!-- List of Router classes Dependency should be defined also on project level-->
##Don't forget The Spring Boot Maven and Gradle plugins both package our application as executable JARs – such a file can't be used in another project since class files are put into BOOT-INF/classes. This is not a bug, but a feature. Classifier exec can solve this problem....
Run integration tests
mvn clean verify -P run-its
Release plugin
mvn release:prepare -P ossrh,release-sign-artifacts -Dresume=false
mvn release:perform -P ossrh,release-sign-artifacts