Smaller Development Server
The smaller-dev-server acts as proxy to some web application but intercepts configured requests to process javascript, css and images. It uses Smaller to utilize all the tools to process resources.
This enables frontend developers to build upon all the cool frontend dev tools while don't conflict with the server-side development build-tools. Also allow prototype development with easy reuse in development later on without change in technology.
Configuration / Commandline Parameter
java -jar smaller-dev-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --proxyhost localhost
--proxyport 3000 --processors "coffeeScript,browserify,lessjs"
--in "" --in "main.less" --process "/app.js"
--process "/style.css" --document-root src/test/resources/
----template-engine raw
--ip VAL : The ip to bind to - defaults to
--port N : The port to bind to - defaults to 12345
--proxyhost VAL : The host to proxy
--proxyport N : The port to proxy - defaults to 80
-P (--process) VAL : The requests to intercept
-d (--document-root) FILE : The folders to scan for resources
-h (--help) : This screen
-i (--in) VAL : The main input files if any
-l (--live-reload) : Flag to enable live-reload feature
-p (--processors) VAL : To processors to apply to intercepted requests
-t (--template-engine) VAL : The template engine to use. Could be one of:
raw - Just deliveres raw html files
soy - Google Closure templates
velocity - Apache Velocity templates
handlebars - Handlebars templates
-v (--verbose) : To log debug info
Template Data and Mock Data Server
For a request there could be a <request.path>.cfg.json file which contains some json data structure providing template data or json data as request-response.
For example if there is a request to '/page/detail.html' the config file for this request would be '/page/detail.html.cfg.json'. The configuration in this file is structured like this:
// Request parameters order by key and if multiple values per key, the
// values are ordered as well.
// Using this one could return different responses based on the request
// parameters
"": {
// These are the data which is given to the template engine
"templateData" : {
"key" : "value"
"map" : {}
"list": []
"template=other": {
// The template path is optional and could be used to specify a template
// which is located under a differnt name or path as the request
"templatePath" : "/sub/other.template",
// The template name is used by the closure-templates only to define the
// template method to call.
"templateName" : "namespace.renderOther"
"response=json": {
// The key jsonResponse will define the json response object
// If defined no template will be rendered, but the json object is returned
"jsonResponse" : {
Live Reload Feature
'Live Reloading' means when a server resource is modified and saved the browser does a page reload without user interaction. This is achieved using websockets and server push notifications on change events. When activating the live reload feature a small javascript in injected in every html page which activates the websocket listening.
Source-Maps for Coffee-Script, Browserify and LessJS are enabled by default.
Thanks to SinnerSchrader for their support and the time to work on this project.