This repository implements the creation of well-known network topologies using the ECES network library.
The module supports the topologies of the Topology Zoo and the ORB, TRR, TRB, and GR topologies defined in "Unicast QoS Routing Algorithms for SDN: A Comprehensive Survey and Performance Evaluation", JW Guck, A Van Bemten, M Reisslein, W Kellerer. 2017.
Additionally, the module can import topologies from GML files.
The project can be downloaded from maven central using:
int k = 4;
Controller controller = new Controller();
GraphSystem graphSystem = new GraphSystem(controller);
NetworkingSystem networkingSystem = new NetworkingSystem(controller, graphSystem);
FatTree fatTree = new FatTree(networkingSystem, k, 1, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, new double[]{1, 1, 1}, 1);
See tests and other ECES repositories using this library for other simple examples.