
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version for VIVO 1.9 This uses the source and test code from the Version for VIVO 1.10, edited to make it compatible with VIVO 1.9. It also borrows some code from VIVO 1.10 itself, changes the package name to avoid conflicts, and adds it here. * Vitro 1.9 uses Jena 2, not Jena 3, and Commons Lang 2, not 3, so modify the "import" statements in the Data Distribution code accordingly. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.sparqlrunner" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this sparqlrunner package. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.configuration" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this configuration package. Make these modifications, compile, JAR it up, and deploy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------





Data Distribution Build Tools




Last Version

Last Version

Release Date

Release Date





--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version for VIVO 1.9 This uses the source and test code from the Version for VIVO 1.10, edited to make it compatible with VIVO 1.9. It also borrows some code from VIVO 1.10 itself, changes the package name to avoid conflicts, and adds it here. * Vitro 1.9 uses Jena 2, not Jena 3, and Commons Lang 2, not 3, so modify the "import" statements in the Data Distribution code accordingly. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.sparqlrunner" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this sparqlrunner package. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.configuration" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this configuration package. Make these modifications, compile, JAR it up, and deploy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Download data-distribution-api-vivo_1_09

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'edu.cornell.library.scholars:data-distribution-api-vivo_1_09:1.1.1'
implementation ("edu.cornell.library.scholars:data-distribution-api-vivo_1_09:1.1.1")
<dependency org="edu.cornell.library.scholars" name="data-distribution-api-vivo_1_09" rev="1.1.1">
  <artifact name="data-distribution-api-vivo_1_09" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='edu.cornell.library.scholars', module='data-distribution-api-vivo_1_09', version='1.1.1')
libraryDependencies += "edu.cornell.library.scholars" % "data-distribution-api-vivo_1_09" % "1.1.1"
[edu.cornell.library.scholars/data-distribution-api-vivo_1_09 "1.1.1"]


compile (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.vivoweb : vitro-api jar 1.9.2
org.vivoweb : vitro-dependencies pom 1.9.2

provided (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
javax.servlet : javax.servlet-api jar 3.1.0

test (3)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.vivoweb : vitro-api test-jar 1.9.2
junit : junit jar 4.11
org.hamcrest : hamcrest-all jar 1.3

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Data Distribution API for VIVO


Create data feeds from your VIVO site just by editing a configuration file.

Use the feeds to:

  • provide content to other sites,
  • service AJAX requests from your own VIVO pages,
  • provide a more responsive user interface on your VIVO site,
  • drive visualizations of your VIVO data.

Get more use of the data in your VIVO site,

  • without opening your site to expensive queries,
  • without digging into the internals of VIVO,
  • without writing any Java code.

You will likely need to know SPARQL, and the structure of how your data is stored in VIVO.


Currently, the Data Distribution API can be used with:

  • VIVO 1.11.0
  • VIVO 1.10
  • VIVO 1.9
  • VIVO 1.8

(or other products that are based on those Vitro releases).


The main site for documents is here.

Developers: tips, tricks, and warnings are in docs/


The Data Distribution API for VIVO was created by the staff of the Cornell University Libraries, as part of the Scholars@Cornell project.

It is currently maintained by the VIVO Community.


Cornell University Library

