In late 2014 DataStax published a blog post in which they explain how Cassandra can be leveraged in order to reach consensus in a distributed environment. A detailed explanation can be found in mentioned article. In essence, a distributed lock or mutex mechanism to enforce that only one resource in a distributed and concurrent environment can be changed at the same time. Inspired by said article LACK [luhk] was implemented. It is a very thin Java API on top of a few Cassandra queries. It is not meant as a consensus library such as libraft or atomix. We just needed something implemented fast and on top of Cassandra.
How to use it
Creating a keyspace
In order to run LACK you have to point it to a keyspace in which it can create necessary table.
WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
You can import LACK from Maven Central Repository:
The configuration of LACK is done via the LackConfig
POJO, e.g. using this constructor: LackConfig(String username, String password, String[] nodes, String keyspace, int ttlInSeconds)
Connecting to a a local cluster using the previously created keyspace and a TTL of 42 seconds:
LackConfig config = new LackConfig("user", "pass", new String[]{""}, "lack", 42);
Lack lack = new Lack(config, "owner-1");
// Locking the resource:
// Renewing the lock in case we need longer than 42 seconds:
// Claiming the lock results in renewal in case we're already owning it and acquiring otherwise
// Releasing the lock in case we have finished our operation:
In case one of the above mentioned methods can not be executed since e.g. a resource might already be locked, a LackException
will be thrown. To make sure you implement a logic for such cases, it is a checked exception.
A gradle build
will build the project. The test will start an embedded cassandra server. If the used ports are already in use the tests will fail.