A simple Lisp-Style protocol for communication
lisp style composation
function sanbox. User can control every function and detail by providing the sandbox
based on json grammer
Quick example
package io.github.free.lock.pcp.example
import io.github.free.lock.pcp.{PcpServer, Sandbox, PcpClient}
case class User(name: String, age: Int)
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val pcpServer = new PcpServer(
// define the sandbox
new Sandbox(
Map[String, BoxFun](
// define add function
"add" -> Sandbox.toSanboxFun((params: List[Any], pcs: PcpServer) => {
val a = params(0).asInstanceOf[Int]
val b = params(1).asInstanceOf[Int]
a + b
// we can just use json array string
// output: 3
pcpServer.execute("""["add", 1, 2]""")
// we can also use PcpClient, instead of raw string
val p = new PcpClient()
// """["add", 1, ["add", 2, 3]]"""
val command = p.toJson(
p.call("add", 1, p.call("add", 2, 3))
// output: 6