Unofficial Robinhood Api - Java Wrapper (AMPro Fork)
A Java wrapper providing easy access to the Unofficial Robinhood Api.
Thanks to Conrad Weiser for making the orginal wrapper project . Without them, this fork would literally be impossible!
We have a Discord server for the Robninhood API community. Feel free to join and ask questions or chat about coding or whatever.
To install & use the Robinhood API, you can either install the latest release , download the latest source code & build the project yourself, or use JitPack to add the repository to your gradle, maven, sbt, or leiningen. You can download the latest stable build here
The Robinhood API Depends on these projects & packages
Sample Gradle build.gradle file:
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'application'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
group ''
version '1.0'
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.AquaticMasteryProductions:Robinhood-Api-Java:v0.8.3-alpha'
compile group: 'io.github.openunirest', name: 'unirest-java', version: '2.2.04'
compile group: 'commons-io', name: 'commons-io', version: '2.6'
compile ''
compile group: 'org.slf4j', name: 'slf4j-simple', version: '1.7.25'
For Maven:
This library is built with the intention of making extracting information from the Robinhood API as easy as possible.
Say for the following example, we want to get our account number, and how much buying power we have available
//Providing a username and password automatically logs the instance into our account!
RobinhoodApi api = new RobinhoodApi("username", "password");
//Make the request for all of the account information
Account accountData = api.getAccountData();
//Extract the data we want
String accountNumber = accountData.getAccountNumber();
Float buyingPower = accountData.getBuyingPower();
//Print to console!
System.out.println(accountNumber + " : " + buyingPower);
More detailed instructions on usage and Endpoint Data
- Multifactor Login
- Orders full history (live and closed orders)
- Asynchronous requests & RateLimiting
- Clean up & add more JavaDocs
- Include a more comprehensive guide on what data you are getting from each method.
- Improved Wiki & Walkthroughs
- Improve & clarify many vague exceptions
- much...more
Logging users in and outGet account informationGetting information about tickersRemoive singleton-type configurationMake &cancel orders (limit, stop, etc)
Things that will likely never happen here
- Transfering funds from bank accounts to Robinhood & visa versa.
- That's a lot of security we can't provide (at least not now) and will leave it to Robinhood & their applications.
I have never taken up a project working with APIs like this. I intend to write this wrapper to the best of my ability, and continue to give support/make changes as time passes.
However, that being said, I aim to make the finished project both efficient in terms of how much computing power it requires, and easy for other developers to build functionality on top of.
If you have any questions feel free to email AMPro at [email protected]
-- Jono