Indoqa Logspace
The user and integrator documentation can be found at
How to setup your development environment
Prepare the Java development environment
The build system is based on Apache Maven (version 3.0.4 or higher).
Most of the Logspace Java source code requires Java 8 to build. Since there are modules that should run with Java 7 or Java 6, you also need the respective JDKs installed to compile these modules. For that purpose the Maven build requires properties that point to them.
Here is an XML snippet that can be added to your local Maven settings.xml (of course the paths need to be adjusted):
Build your project with Maven:
mvn clean install
Prepare the Javascript (frontend) development environment
- Install node.js:
brew install node
- Install node.js
- Install Python 2.7.x and add it to your path or/and create a PYTHONPATH environment variable.
- Install Visual Studio, the Express Edition is fine.
- Set GYP_MSVS_VERSION environment property, if you are using Express,
Linux (Debian based)
- Install node.js:
curl -sL | sudo bash -
- Install build essentials and C++ compiler:
sudo apt-get install build-essential g++
Install node dependencies
npm install -g gulp
cd logspace-frontend
npm install
Run the frontend
The logspace frontend uses este.js as development stack. este.js integrates all necessary tools to have an environment for convenient Javascript (Ecmascript 6) development (automatic reloads of Javascript and CSS, support of multiple CSS pre-compilers, etc.) and provides tools to create of artifacts (html/js/css).
Start development environment
cd logspace-frontend
Now point your browser to localhost:8000
Build release artifacts
cd logspace-frontend
gulp -p build
The artifacts are located in logspace-frontend/build