
Proximax P2P File Storage Java SDK (NIS1 Compatible)





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Proximax P2P File Storage Java SDK (NIS1 Compatible)
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ProximaX Limited
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Download xpx-java-sdk

How to add to project

<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.proximax/xpx-java-sdk/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.proximax/xpx-java-sdk/
implementation 'io.proximax:xpx-java-sdk:0.1.0-beta.10'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.proximax/xpx-java-sdk/
implementation ("io.proximax:xpx-java-sdk:0.1.0-beta.10")
<dependency org="io.proximax" name="xpx-java-sdk" rev="0.1.0-beta.10">
  <artifact name="xpx-java-sdk" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.proximax', module='xpx-java-sdk', version='0.1.0-beta.10')
libraryDependencies += "io.proximax" % "xpx-java-sdk" % "0.1.0-beta.10"
[io.proximax/xpx-java-sdk "0.1.0-beta.10"]


compile (13)

Group / Artifact Type Version
io.swagger : swagger-annotations jar 1.5.15
com.squareup.okhttp : okhttp jar 2.7.5
com.squareup.okhttp : logging-interceptor jar 2.7.5
com.google.code.gson : gson jar 2.8.1
joda-time : joda-time jar 2.9.9
com.github.proximax-storage » proximax-nem-core jar nem-core-0.6.96-proximax
com.github.proximax-storage » proximax-ipfs-java-api jar v1.2.1-proximax
com.github.serceman : jnr-fuse jar 0.5.1
org.java-websocket : Java-WebSocket jar 1.3.8
com.google.flatbuffers : flatbuffers-java jar 1.8.0
org.apache.tika : tika-core jar 1.17
org.tinylog : tinylog jar 1.3.4
com.codahale : shamir jar 0.6.0

test (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 4.12
org.mockito : mockito-core jar 2.18.3
org.mockito : mockito-inline jar 2.18.3
org.hamcrest : hamcrest-all jar 1.3

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Official Proximax P2P Storage Java SDK (NIS1 Compatible Only)


ProximaX is a project that utilizes the NEM blockchain technology with the IPFS P2P storage technology to form a very powerful proofing solution for documents or files which are stored in an immutable and irreversible manner, similar to the blockchain technology solutions.

Adding Jitpack Repository

There are dependencies hosted from Jitpack. Add the JitPack repository to your build file




allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Getting started with ProximaX Java SDK (NIS1)

Import the following dependency to your Java Project. Replace with the latest version.




compile 'io.proximax:xpx-java-sdk:0.1.0-beta.10'


    @Grab(group='io.proximax', module='xpx-java-sdk', version='0.1.0-beta.10')

Get your XPX Test Tokens

Visit the XEM/XPX Testnet faucet at https://proximaxtestnethackathon.azurewebsites.net/

Mijin/Privatenet faucet at https://proximaxprivatenethackathon.azurewebsites.net/

Establishing a connection

We support 2 types of connection.

Remote Connection

RemotePeerConnection are for clients who wants wants to use a remote storage and doesn't want or prefer to its own device to participate on storage network.

RemotePeerConnection remotePeerConnection = new RemotePeerConnection("https://testnet.gateway.proximax.io");

Aside from the testnet connection above, one can also use the following testnet gateways.

These testnet gateways are privately hosted storage contributor nodes on our ProximaX servers. All of them are connected to NEM Testnet and Public IPFS network.

We also have mainnet and mijinnet (NIS Mijin)

Local Connection

LocalHttpPeerConnection are for local client who is participating as part of the Storage network. The prequisite for this is that the host client should run the proximax daemon.

LocalHttpPeerConnection remotePeerConnection = new LocalHttpPeerConnection(
                    ConnectionFactory.createNemNodeConnection("testnet","http", "", 7890),

Download and extract the proximax daemon here.

Run the daemon like so

proximax.exe init 
proximax.exe daemon

Now that we've establish the connection, let's get into the coding.

To easily access each feature/function, we need to initialze the object passing the peerConnection variable.

//  To Upload
final Upload upload = new Upload(peerConnection); // blocking
final UploadAsync uploadAsync = new UploadAsync(peerConnection); // non-blocking (async)

//  To Download
final Download download = new Download(peerConnection);
final DownloadAsync downloadAsync = new DownloadAsync(peerConnection);

//  More functions that can be used
final Search search = new Search(peerConnection);
final SearchAsync searchAsync = new SearchAsync(peerConnection);

//  To look up Account
final Account account = new Account(peerConnection);
final AccountAsync accountAsync = new AccountAsync(peerConnection);

//  To look up XPX / Proximax Transactions
final Transactions transactions = new Transactions(peerConnection);
final TransactionsAsync transactionsAsync = new TransactionsAsync(peerConnection);

Create / Generate new NEM Account

To generate a new account, use the peerConnection to call the NemAccountApi()


Grab the Address and get XEMs/XPXs.

Visit the XEM/XPX Testnet faucet at https://proximaxtestnethackathon.azurewebsites.net/

Upload / Upload Async

Uploading a file

When uploading a binary file, the Upload requires a UploadFileParameter object specifying the necessary information. This object is then pass to the Upload API that will in turn return an UploadResult object which has the NEM Hash.

final UploadFileParameter parameter = UploadFileParameter.create()
        .file(new File("/path/to/file.pdf"))
        .metadata(singletonMap("someMetadataKey", "someMetadataValue"))

final UploadResult uploadResult = upload.uploadFile(parameter);
uploadResult.getNemHash(); // prints the Nem Hash to download file

Uploading binary data (bytes)

When uploading a binary file, the Upload requires a UploadBinaryParameter object.

final UploadBinaryParameter parameter = UploadBinaryParameter.create()
        .metadata(singletonMap("someMetadataKey", "someMetadataValue"))

final UploadResult uploadResult = upload.uploadBinary(parameter);
uploadResult.getNemHash(); // prints the Nem Hash to download file

Uploading a text

When uploading a text file, the Upload requires a UploadTextDataParameter object.

final UploadTextDataParameter parameter = UploadTextDataParameter.create()
        .data("plain - the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog UTF-8")
        .metadata(singletonMap("someMetadataKey", "someMetadataValue"))

final UploadResult uploadResult = upload.uploadTextData(parameter);
uploadResult.getNemHash(); // prints the Nem Hash to download text

Uploading multiple files

When uploading multiple files at the same time, the Upload requires UploadMultipleFilesParameter object. This would return an UploadResult for each file uploaded.

final UploadMultipleFilesParameter parameter = UploadMultipleFilesParameter.create()
        .addFile(new File("/path/to/file 1"))
        .addFile(new File("/path/to/file 2"))
        .metadata(singletonMap("someMetadataKey", "someMetadataValue"))

final MultiFileUploadResult multiFileUploadResult = upload.uploadMultipleFiles(parameter);
multiFileUploadResult.getFileUploadResults().get(0).getUploadResult().getNemHash(); // prints the Nem Hash to download first file

Uploading multiple files as zip

When uploading multiple files compressed as a zip file, the Upload requires UploadFilesAsZipParameter object.

final UploadFilesAsZipParameter parameter = UploadFilesAsZipParameter.create()
        .addFile("/path/to/file 1")
        .addFile("/path/to/file 2")

final UploadResult uploadResult = upload.uploadFilesAsZip(parameter);
uploadResult.getNemHash(); // prints the Nem Hash to download zip file

Upload files with mosaics

One can also attach a mosaic as part of the upload.

Mosaic blueNumberAsset = new Mosaic(new MosaicId(new NamespaceId("bluenumber1"), "product"),

UploadTextDataParameter parameter = UploadTextDataParameter.create()
                .data(new String("plain - the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog UTF-8".getBytes(),ENCODING_UTF_8))

final UploadResult uploadResult = unitUnderTest.uploadTextData(parameter);

Upload Path

Note that this feature works on local peer connection and linux/mac machine only

UploadPathParameter parameter = UploadPathParameter.create()

final UploadResult uploadResult = unitUnderTest.uploadPath(parameter);

You will now be able to visit the path via our proximax or ipfs gateways

Note: Path is by default, public. Please be careful when loading a directory as it exposes it the open public gateways

Securing uploaded content with Privacy Strategies

By default, any upload will use a plain privacy strategy. This basically means that the file is not in anyway encrypted and can be accessed publicly. In order to secure the content being uploaded, other privacy strategies can be use to protect and secure your files.

Secured with NEM keys privacy strategy

This will utilise the NEM private and public key provided to encrypt the content. In addition to the content, this strategy will create the NEM transaction as a secure/encrypted message.

final UploadFileParameter parameter = UploadFileParameter.create()
        .file(new File("/path/to/file"))
        .securedWithNemKeysPrivacyStrategy() // sets the privacy strategy

final UploadResult uploadResult = upload.uploadFile(parameter);

The above code will encrypt the file using the senders private key and receivers public key.

Secured with password privacy strategy

This will use a password to encrypt the content. This strategy requires a minimum length of 50 characters for the password.

final UploadFileParameter parameter = UploadFileParameter.create()
        .file(new File("/path/to/file"))
        .securedWithPasswordPrivacyStrategy(PASSWORD) // sets the privacy strategy

final UploadResult uploadResult = upload.uploadFile(parameter);

Secured with Shamir Shared Secret Key

This will use a password to encrypt the content. This strategy requires a minimum length of 50 characters for the password.

final Map<Integer, byte[]> minimumSecretParts = new HashMap<>();
minimumSecretParts.put(2, SHAMIR_SECRET_PARTS.get(2));
minimumSecretParts.put(5, SHAMIR_SECRET_PARTS.get(5));
minimumSecretParts.put(9, SHAMIR_SECRET_PARTS.get(9));

UploadBinaryParameter parameter = UploadBinaryParameter.create()

Custom privacy strategy

Custom privacy strategies to encrypt the content also possible. The developer must implement any of the following classes.

AbstractPlainMessagePrivacyStrategy if NEM transactions should be in plain or unencrypted message. AbstractSecureMessagePrivacyStrategy if NEM transactions should be in secure or encrypted message.

Both of the abstract class requires the following to be overriden.

    public byte[] encrypt(byte[] data) {
        // do encryption
        return encrytedData;

    public byte[] decrypt(byte[] data, TransferTransaction transaction, ResourceHashMessage hashMessage) {
        // do decryption
        return decryptedData;

Pass an instance of your custom strategy when building the upload parameter.

final UploadFileParameter parameter = UploadFileParameter.create()
        .file(new File("/path/to/file.pdf"))
        .privacyStrategy(MY_CUSTOM_STRATEGY) // sets the privacy strategy

final UploadResult uploadResult = upload.uploadFile(parameter);

Download / Download Async

Download function allows developers to download a content (binary,text) that are stored on the P2P Storage that is rooted to a NEM Transaction. All downloads requires the NEM Hash as this is the main reference of the Platform to get content.

To initialize the Download service, this can be done by passing a PeerConnection

final Download download = new Download(peerConnection);

Download Plain Text File/Content

Use the following code to download a text content that was uploaded using the plain/public privacy strategy.

final DownloadTextDataResult result = download.downloadTextData(DownloadParameter.create().nemHash("7f2d1944016f1259e552b34cb5029d7473074856229094acc5ba479549e59411").build());

Download Secure Text File/Content

Use the following code to download a text content that was uploaded using the secure with nem keys privacy strategy.

final DownloadTextDataResult result = download.downloadTextData(DownloadParameter.create()
.securedWithNemKeysPrivacyStrategy("<private key">, "<public key">)

Download Plain Binary/File

Use the following code to download a binary that was uploaded using the plain/public privacy strategy.

final DownloadBinaryResult result = download.downloadBinary(DownloadParameter.create().nemHash("7f2d1944016f1259e552b34cb5029d7473074856229094acc5ba479549e59411").build());

Download Secure Binary/File

Use the following code to download a binary that was uploaded using the secure with nem keys privacy strategy.

final DownloadBinaryResult result = download.downloadBinary(DownloadParameter.create()
.securedWithNemKeysPrivacyStrategy("<private key">, "<public key">)

Download Secure with Password Text File

Use the following code to download a binary that was uploaded using the plain/public privacy strategy.

final DownloadTextDataResult result = download.downloadTextData(DownloadParameter.create()
.securedWithNemKeysPrivacyStrategy("<private key">, "<public key">)

Download Secure with Password Binary/File

Use the following code to download a binary that was uploaded using the secure with nem keys privacy strategy.

final DownloadBinaryResult result = download.downloadBinary(DownloadParameter.create()
.securedWithNemKeysPrivacyStrategy("<private key">, "<public key">)

Search / Search Async

The SDK also has a service to do basic searching on the blockchain. This is only an additional feature and can be resource extensive as it traverses the entire message and compare.

To initialize the Search service, this can be done by passing a PeerConnection

final Search search = new Search(peerConnection);

Search by keyword

Search by keyword or keywords

List<ResourceHashMessageJsonEntity> result = search.searchByKeyword(TEST_PRIVATE_KEY, TEST_PUBLIC_KEY, "plain,secure,file");
byte[] data = peerConnection.getDownloadApi().downloadUsingDataHashUsingGET(result.get(0).hash())

Search by name

Search by name field

List<ResourceHashMessageJsonEntity> result = search.searchByName(TEST_PRIVATE_KEY, TEST_PUBLIC_KEY, "index.jpg");
byte[] data =  peerConnection.getDownloadApi().downloadUsingDataHashUsingGET(result.get(0).hash())

Search by metadata

Search by metadata

List<ResourceHashMessageJsonEntity> result = search.searchByMetaDataKeyValue(TEST_PRIVATE_KEY, TEST_PUBLIC_KEY, "key1","value1");
byte[] data =  peerConnection.getDownloadApi().downloadUsingDataHashUsingGET(result.get(0).hash())

Monitoring the Transaction

NEM has a few websockets exposed that can be used to monitor transactions. One of the tools we have is the nem transaction monitor that can easily be configured to monitor incoming, outgoing, confirm and unconfirmed transactions.

Download it here


Call code to Monitor

	.addressToMonitor("MDYSYWVWGC6JDD7BGE4JBZMUEM5KXDZ7J77U4X2Y") // address to monitor
	.subscribe(io.proximax.utils.Constants.URL_WS_TRANSACTIONS, new CustomTransactionMonitorHandler1()) // multiple subscription and a handler
	.subscribe(io.proximax.utils.Constants.URL_WS_UNCONFIRMED, new CustomTransactionMonitorHandler2())
	.monitor(); // trigger the monitoring process


We'd love to get more people involve in the project. We're looking for enthusiastic conitrbutors that can help us improve the library. Contributing is simple, you can start by

  • Test the SDK and raise an issue.
  • Pick up a task, code and raise a PR

Copyright (c) 2018 ProximaX Limited



Official GitHub Repo of ProximaX Sirius Platform

