TuxORM is a simple to use orm. That uses a Dao. I wrote this with the database tool TuxJSQL. I use a lot of magical code.
Discord: https://discord.gg/qtCKz4X
Getting Started
To start using TuxORM you will need to learn how to use TuxJSQL You can learn how to use that here https://tuxjsql.dev/. After you have learned how to create a TuxJSQL all you have to do is to
TOConnection connection = new TOConnecton(tuxjsql);
Creating an Object
import me.kingtux.tuxorm.annotations.DBTable;
import me.kingtux.tuxorm.annotations.TableColumn;
public class OverallClass {
@TableColumn(primary = true, autoIncrement = true)
private int id;
private String name;
and to get the Dao you run is connection.createDao(OverallClass.class)
Supported Datatypes.
All basic Java DataTypes ex. String, int, long, and others.
It also supports Lists, Maps, and Files. Using our BuiltIn Serializers. You can also add support to more by creating your own serializer