Manipulate Protocol Buffers schemas and records in a generic manner without compiled classes, similar to Avro's GenericRecord
import me.lyh.protobuf.generic._
val schema1 = Schema.of[MyRecord] // generic representation of the protobuf schema
val jsonString = schema1.toJson // serialize to JSON
val schema2 = Schema.fromJson(jsonString) // deserialize from JSON
// read protobuf binary without original class
val bytes1: Array[Byte] = // binary MyRecord
val reader = GenericReader.of(schema2)
val record1 = // generic record, i.e. Map[String, Any]
val jsonRecord = record1.toJson // JSON string
// write protobuf binary without orignal class
val record2 = GenericRecord.fromJson(jsonRecord) // generic record, i.e. Map[String, Any]
val writer = GenericWriter.of(schema2)
val bytes2 = writer.write(record2) // binary MyRecord
Copyright 2016 Neville Li.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: