A set of plugins for the Gradle build tool. They are available through Maven Central.
The existing plugins are:
- Findbugs
- JDepend
v0.1.1 was tested against 1.0-milestone-3
These have been contributed to Gradle and will be included in the 1.0-milestone-8 release. They will no longer be supported through this project, though I may add other plugins at some point.
Adding the Plugins
Add the following block to your build to use the gradle-plugins JAR.
buildscript {
repositories { mavenCentral() }
dependencies { classpath group:'org.ajoberstar', name:'gradle-plugins', version:'0.1.1' }
Using the Plugins
All 3 plugins require the tools to be included in their respective configurations.
apply plugin: 'findbugs'
apply plugin: 'jdepend'
apply plugin: 'pmd'
convention.plugins.pmd.rulesets 'rulesets/basic.xml', 'rulesets/other.xml'
dependencies {
findbugs group:'', name:'findbugs', version:'1.3.9'
findbugs group:'', name:'findbugs-ant', version:'1.3.9'
pmd group:'pmd', name:'pmd', version:'4.2.5'
jdepend group:'jdepend', name:'jdepend', version:'2.9.1'
jdepend group:'org.apache.ant', name:'ant-jdepend', version:'1.7.1'
Each plugin generates a task per source set dependent on the check task.
Release Notes
- Initial release.
- Improved up to date checking.
- Defaulting PMD plugin to look for configuration in