Public API for Avaje Metrics.
Please refer to the documentation at http://avaje-metric.github.io/
Included is sample output from the example application.
Example Metrics output (typically reported every 60 seconds)
Below is a sample of the metric log output. The metrics are periodically collected and output to a file or sent to a repository.
14:01:00, lg, jvm.gc.ps-marksweep, count=0, time=0
14:01:00, lg, jvm.gc.ps-scavenge, count=0, time=0
14:01:00, dg, jvm.memory.heap, init=250.2, used=64.59, committed=240.0, max=3559.0, pct=1.0
14:01:00, dg, jvm.memory.nonheap, init=23.44, used=20.67, committed=23.44, max=214.0, pct=9.0
14:01:00, dm, jvm.os.loadAverage, value=1.06
14:01:00, dm, jvm.system.uptime, value=5.0
14:01:00, lg, jvm.threads, current=17, peak=18, daemon=5
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.DummyEmailSender.send, count=1, avg=140, max=140, sum=140, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.DummyEmailSender.yeahNah, count=1, avg=128, max=128, sum=128, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.Muse.iDoTheRealWorkAroundHere, count=1, avg=500084, max=500084, sum=500084, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.Muse.notParticularlyResistant, count=1, avg=2, max=2, sum=2, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.Muse.notThatResistant, count=1, avg=4, max=4, sum=4, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.Muse.originOfSymmetry, count=1, avg=1075, max=1075, sum=1075, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.Muse.resistance, count=1, avg=500157, max=500157, sum=500157, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.MusicLayer.playItSon, count=1, avg=611869, max=611869, sum=611869, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.RadioHead.kidA, count=1, avg=51234, max=51234, sum=51234, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.RadioHead.pabloHoney, count=1, avg=550258, max=550258, sum=550258, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.service.RadioHead.theBends, count=1, avg=560440, max=560440, sum=560440, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.web.api.CustomerResource.asBean, count=1, avg=612154, max=612154, sum=612154, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.web.api.CustomerResource.hello, count=1, avg=284, max=284, sum=284, dur=10, err.count=0
14:01:00, tm, org.example.myapp.web.api.MetricResource.collecting, count=1, avg=382, max=382, sum=382, dur=10, err.count=0
Example Per Request output
Per Request timing is a little bit more expensive to collect and can produce a lot of output. As such it is expected that you only turn it on when needed. For example, for the next 5 invocations of CustomerResource.asBean() collect per request timings.
Per request timing can be set for specific timing metrics - for example, collect per request timing on the next 5 invocations of the CustomerResource.asBean() method.
Per request timing output shows the nested calls and where the time went for that single request. The p column shows the percentage of total execution - for example 81% of execution time was taken in Muse.iDoTheRealWorkAroundHere. Typically in looking at this output you ignore/remove/collapse anything that has percentage of 0.
The columns are: d=depth, p=percentage, ms=milliseconds, us=microseconds, m=metric name
14:00:20 exe:612ms metric:org.example.myapp.web.api.CustomerResource.asBean
d:0 p:100 ms:612 us:612091 m:org.example.myapp.web.api.CustomerResource.asBean
d:1 p:99 ms:611 us:611886 m:org.example.myapp.service.MusicLayer.playItSon
d:2 p:0 ms:0 us:125 m:org.example.myapp.service.DummyEmailSender.send
d:3 p:0 ms:0 us:106 m:org.example.myapp.service.DummyEmailSender.yeahNah
d:2 p:8 ms:51 us:51179 m:org.example.myapp.service.RadioHead.kidA
d:3 p:0 ms:1 us:1072 m:org.example.myapp.service.Muse.originOfSymmetry
d:2 p:91 ms:560 us:560546 m:org.example.myapp.service.RadioHead.theBends
d:3 p:89 ms:550 us:550377 m:org.example.myapp.service.RadioHead.pabloHoney
d:4 p:81 ms:500 us:500204 m:org.example.myapp.service.Muse.resistance
d:5 p:0 ms:0 us:33 m:org.example.myapp.service.Muse.notThatResistant
d:5 p:81 ms:500 us:500108 m:org.example.myapp.service.Muse.iDoTheRealWorkAroundHere
d:5 p:0 ms:0 us:11 m:org.example.myapp.service.Muse.notParticularlyResistant
CustomerResource.asBean took 612 milliseconds to execute. If you look at Muse.iDoTheRealWorkAroundHere it took 81% of the total execution time (500 milliseconds, 500204 microseconds).