This is a library intended to back the clj-jargon with a configurable mock up of an iRODS repository for unit testing purposes.
Currently this is implementation is incomplete. It will be extended as needed for unit testing on iPlant projects.
Repository Representation
The repository is represented as a map. The keys of the map are the paths to the files and directories in the repository. There is two special keys: :users
provides access to the user information and :groups
provides access to the group information.
{:users #{user-set}
:groups {groups-entry}
"/path/to/directory" {directory-entry}
"/path/to/file" {file-entry}}
A user set, is just a set of user Ids.
A user Id is a pair of strings, the first being the name of the user and the second being the zone the user belongs to.
["user-name" "zone"]
The groups entry is a map of group Ids to the sets of users belonging to the respective groups.
{[group-id] #{user-set}}
Like a user Id, a group Id is a pair of strings, the first being the name of the group and the second being the zone the group belongs to.
["group-name" "zone"]
The structure of a directory entry and a file entry are both maps with nearly the same keys. A file entry has one additional key, :content
, that holds the textual contents of the file. The remaining keys, common to both, are as follows. :type
identifies whether the entry is a normal directory entry (:normal-dir
), a linked directory (:linked-dir
), or a file (:file
). :creator
is the user Id of the person who created the entry. :create-time
is the time when the entry was created in milliseconds since the POSIX epoch. :modify-time
is the time when the entry was last modified in milliseconds since the POSIX epoch. :acl
provides the ACL for the entry. Finally, :avus
provides the AVU metadata associated with the entry.
{:type :normal-dir
:creator [user-id]
:create-time 0
:modify-time 0
:acl {acl-entry}
:avus {avus-entry}}
{:type :linked-dir
:creator [user-id]
:create-time 1
:modify-time 1
:acl {acl-entry}
:avus {avus-entry}}
{:type :file
:creator [user-id]
:create-time 2
:modify-time 3
:acl {acl-entry}
:avus {avus-entry}
:content "file content"}
An ACL entry is a map of group and user Ids to their respective access permissions. The allowed access permissions are :read
for read permission, :write
for read and write permission, and :own
for read, write and ownership permissions.
{[reader-id] :read
[writer-id] :write
[owner-id] :own}
An AVU entry is a map from attribute names to their corresponding values and units. The values and units are stored as a pair of strings. A unit of ""
means unitless.
{"attribute" ["value" "unit"] "unitless" ["value" ""]}
Here's a full example.
{:users #{["user1" "zone1"] ["user2" "zone1"]}
:groups {["group" "zone1"] #{"user1"}}
"/zone1" {:type :dir
:creator ["user1" "zone1"]
:create-time 0
:modify-time 0
:acl {}
:avus {}}
"/zone1/home" {:type :dir
:creator ["user1" "zone1"]
:create-time 0
:modify-time 0
:acl {["group" "zone1"] :read}
:avus {}}
"/zone1/home/user1" {:type :dir
:creator ["user1" "zone1"]
:create-time 0
:modify-time 0
:acl {["user1" "zone1"] :write}
:avus {}}
"/zone1/home/user1/file" {:type :file
:creator ["user1" "zone1"]
:create-time 1
:modify-time 2
:acl {["user2" "zone1"] :own}
:avus {"has-unit" ["value" "unit"] "unitless" ["value" ""]}
:content "content"}
"/zone1/home/user1/link" {:type :linked-dir
:creator ["user1" "zone1"]
:create-time 3
:modify-time 3
:acl {}
:avus {}}}}
iRODS Proxy
Unfortunately, the main entry point into Jargon library is through the concrete class
. To work around this lack of interface, the irods-mock.jargon-if/IRODSProxy
protocol was created. Through duck typing, an instance of any record that extends this protocol may be used in place of an instance of IRODSFileSystem
Normally, the client would populate a content map with the test data. The client would then pass this map to irods-mock.core/mk-mock-proxy
function to construct an IRODSProxy
instance. Under the hood, it constructs a MockProxy
object with appropriate constructors.
If the client would rather use something other than a content map to model an iRODS repository, the MockProxy
constructor may be used directly, passing in constructors for the custom components.