A basic monitoring system for Condor. It alternates between calling condor_q and condor_history and updates the OSM with any analysis state changes that it detects.
Panopticon assumes that it is running as a user that can run the condor_q and condor_history commands. Additionally, Panopticon requires that Porklock be installed on the same box.
#Configuration Template
panopticon.osm.url = $osm_base$
panopticon.osm.collection = $osm_jobs_bucket$
panopticon.condor.condor-config = /etc/condor/condor_config
panopticon.condor.condor-q = /usr/bin/condor_q
panopticon.condor.condor-history = /usr/bin/condor_history = 4
#How long to sleep (in milliseconds) between iterations. = $panopticon_sleep_time$
panopticon.osm.url - Setting that provides the base URL for the OSM. Should include port.
panopticon.osm.collection - Sets the bucket in the OSM that Panopticon reads job information from.
panopticon.condor.condor-config - Sets the path to the config_config file.
panopticon.condor.condor-q - Sets the path to the condor_q executable.
panopticon.condor.condor-history - Sets the path to the condor_history executable. - Vestigial setting. Used to set the number of threads that panopticon used. - Read the comment above the setting.
See the iPlant Wiki for more information.