Legacy. Consider migrating to the asciidoctor-maven-plugin.
Goals Overview
The jDocBook Plugin defines a dedicated project packaging ("jdocbook"). In part, this packaging is used to redefine a suitable set of lifecycle phases pertinent to performing DocBook transformations. Below are the defined lifecycle phases, with the goals attached to them:
process-resources binds the jdocbook:resources goal which "stages" the resources need for the XSLT transformations such as fonts, images and css.
compile binds the jdocbook:generate goal which performs the actual XSLT transformations.
package binds the jdocbook:bundle goal which takes all the output formats, archives them as WARs and attaches the WARs to the project with the format name as the artifact classifier.
install binds the standard install goal.
deploy binds the standard deploy goal.
Detailed usage instructions for the jDocBook Plugin can be found here.