
Protocol for JGroups 4.x





JGroups Application Layer Libs Distributed Applications




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Protocol for JGroups 4.x
Project Organization

Project Organization

JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades/jgroups-4/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades/jgroups-4/
implementation 'org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades:jgroups-4:1.1.0.Final'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades/jgroups-4/
implementation ("org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades:jgroups-4:1.1.0.Final")
<dependency org="org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades" name="jgroups-4" rev="1.1.0.Final">
  <artifact name="jgroups-4" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades', module='jgroups-4', version='1.1.0.Final')
libraryDependencies += "org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades" % "jgroups-4" % "1.1.0.Final"
[org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades/jgroups-4 "1.1.0.Final"]


compile (6)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.jgroups.rolling-upgrades : common jar 1.1.0.Final
org.jgroups : jgroups jar 4.2.5.Final
io.grpc : grpc-netty jar 1.31.1
io.grpc : grpc-protobuf jar 1.31.1
io.grpc : grpc-stub jar 1.31.1
javax.annotation : javax.annotation-api jar 1.3.2

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Rolling upgrades of a JGroups cluster

This document describes how to upgrade a JGroups cluster to a new, incompatible version, or a new configuration. The term incompatible means that the nodes running on the new version (or configuration) would be unable to form a cluster with the existing nodes.

Upgrading a cluster to a new version is critical for some customers, who cannot afford downtime.

The design is influenced by how Kubernetes applies a new configuration: it adds a new pod, running with the new configuration, then kills off an existing one, until all existing pods have been replaced.


Say we have a cluster {A1,A2,A3}. A rolling upgrade might proceed as follows:

  • {A1,A2,A3}

  • New node B1 is started in a separate cluster: {A1,A2,A3} {B1}

  • An existing node is killed: {A1,A3} {B1}

    • Note that we don’t know (in Kubernetes) which node is killed

  • And so on:

  • {A1,A3} {B1,B2}

  • {A3} {B1,B2}

  • {A3} {B1,B2,B3}

  • {B1,B2,B3}


There are 2 goals for the above scenario:

  1. There needs to be a global view of all nodes; ie. instead of the 2 separate cluster views {A1,A2,A3} and {B1}, the global view should be the virtual view {A1,A2,A3,B1}.

  2. Members of the different clusters must be able to talk to each other; a.k.a. send (unicast and multicast) messages to each other. In the above example, A2 should be able to send a message to B1.


In order to achieve the above goals, all application messages are sent to a JGroups-independent server (the UpgradeServer), which relays them to all registered cluster nodes, as shown below:

                    | UpgradeServer |
        |      |        |         |      |
        |      |        |         |      |
        v      v        v         v      v
      ----    ----    ----      ----   ----
      |A1|    |A2|    |A3|      |B1|   |B2|
      ----    ----    ----      ----   ----

Each node knows the address of the UpgradeServer and registers with it by establishing a TCP connection. The UpgradeServer maintains a table of clusters mapped to nodes belonging to them.

When a message is received from one of the nodes, the UpgradeServer forwards the message to registered nodes (multicast message), or to an individual node (unicast message).

When talking about messages above, we’re not referring to org.jgroups.Message, but instead to simple byte[] arrays, which are version-independent.

The server also installs virtual views in all registered nodes when a new node joins. This gives the application the illusion of a global cluster with both existing and new members in the same view. This is needed for example by Infinispan to compute the consistent hash wheel correctly, and perform correct data rebalancing when (e.g.) B1 is started.

It is paramount that the communication protocol between a node and the UpgradeServer is well defined and never changes, so that different versions of JGroups can talk to the same UpgradeServer.

The communication on the client (cluster node) side is performed by UPGRADE:

                 | (send, receive)
            -----------         (forward,receive)          -----------------
            | UPGRADE | <------------------------------->  | UpgradeServer |
            -----------   (JGroups-independent protocol)   -----------------
            |  FRAG3  |
            | NAKACK2 |
            |    ...  |

UPGRADE is added at the top of the stack. When active, it forwards all application messages to the UpgradeServer, instead of sending them down the stack. When not active, messages are not forwarded to the server, but simply sent down the stack.

When it receives a message from the UpgradeServer, it passes it up the stack to the application.

When a cluster member joins, UPGRADE will get the view of the local cluster (e.g. {A1,A2,A3}) from below. It stores the local view, but does not pass it up to the application. Instead, it asks the UpgradeServer to add it to the current global view. The UpgradeServer then creates a new global virtual view and sends it to all registered cluster members. Their UPGRADE protocols send that global view up the stack to the application.

This means, that applications with a stack that has UPGRADE at the top will never receive cluster-local views, but only global views created by the UpgradeServer.

The communication protocol between UPGRADE and UpgradeServer needs to be well defined and should never change, so that different JGroups versions can talks to the server as long as their UPGRADE protocol implements the communication protocol correctly.

This design is similar to RELAY (https://github.com/belaban/JGroups/blob/master/src/org/jgroups/protocols/RELAY.java), but uses an external UpgradeServer and a version agnostic communication protocol to talk to it, so that different JGroups versions can talk to each other (via UpgradeServer).

Example of a rolling upgrade

Say we have cluster members {A1,A2,A3}, running on JGroups 3.6. We want to upgrade them to version 4.x, resulting in a cluster {B1,B2,B3}. The following steps need to be taken when running on Kubernetes:

  • A new service/pod needs to be started with the UpgradeServer. It runs on a given address and port.

  • The 3.6 configuration is changed to contain UPGRADE at the top. (If already present, this and the next step can be skipped). Alternatively, UPGRADE can be added to the existing cluster members dynamically via probe.sh (see the JGroups manual for details).

    • Note that UPGRADE is configured to be inactive, so no messages are relayed, and no global views are installed.

  • kubectl apply is executed to update all cluster members to a 3.6 configuration that contains UPGRADE.

  • Once this is done, UPGRADE in all cluster members is configured to be active. This can be done via the UpgradeServer sending an ACTIVATE command to the cluster members. From now one, virtual global views and message relaying is enabled.

  • kubectl apply is executed to apply a new configuration. The new configuration points to an image with JGroups 4.x (the existing cluster members are running on 3.6), and possibly a new JGroups config.

  • Kubernetes starts a new pod with the new config and then kills off an existing node (as described in the overview section).

    • The new config includes an active UPGRADE protocol at the top of the stack

  • When members are added/killed, a new global view will be installed via UpgradeServer

  • When all members have been updated to the new version, UpgradeServer sends an DEACTIVATE command to all cluster members, which de-activate UPGRADE (or even remove it from the stack).

  • The UpgradeServer pod can now safely be killed.


The demos show how programs run in different versions of JGroups can join the same cluster and exchange (and understand) each other’s messages. Apart from a simple string-based message payload (JChannelTest), protobuf is used to translate the different payloads into a common format that is understood by all.

The demos can be run by executing the scripts in ./bin: chat-x.sh runs JChanelTest, md-x.sh MessageDispatcherTest and rpcs-x.sh RpcDispatcherTest.


This demo sends a simple string around. The string’s bytes are retrieved and injected into the message as a byte array. The receiving side fetches the byte array and creates a string from it. Because strings are (de-)serialized the same way across versions, this works for sending messages between different versions and also across different Java versions.


This test calls MessageDispatcher.castMessage() to invoke handle() in all cluster members. The argument to the request is DemoRequest and the response is DemoResponse; both are protobuf types.

The request is serialized by application code (MessageDispatcherTest) and also deserialized (in handle()). The response is (de-)serialized by the Marshaller set by MessageDispatcherTest (in 3) and by UPGRADE in 4 and 5 (which doesn’t have Marshaller anymore).

The code in UPGRADE takes the payload of a message and converts it to protobuf (send side). On the receive side, it converts the protobuf (payload of the message) into a version-dependent payload and sends it up the stack.

By using the protobuf types DemoRequest and DemoResponse, common to all versions, the different MessageDispatcher nodes can talk to each other.


This is similar to the MessageDispatcherTest above, but we’re also (de-)serializing the requests, not just the responses.

Using secure connections

By default, UpgradeServer and the clients (UPGRADE protocols) use plaintext gRpc connections. This can be changed, so that communication between server and clients is encrypted. To do this, 3 steps have to be taken:

  1. Generate a certificate and a private/public key pair for the server and clients to use

    • This can be done with bin/genkey.sh: this generates server.cert and server.key

      • Make sure you set the hostname (in genkey.sh) to the host on which UpgradeServer will be running.

    • Of course, in a production environment, self-signed certificates should not be used!

  2. Run UpgradeServer with the key and certificate

    • Either run bin/upgrade-server-secure.sh or pass options -cert path-to-certificate and -key path-to-key to UpgradeServer.

  3. Set server_cert in UPGRADE to point to the server’s certificate (generated above)

    • <UPGRADE server_cert="/home/user/certs/server.cert" />

Misc / todos

  • In a first stage, only addresses of type UUID are implemented

  • Application headers are currently not supported (perhaps they never will)

  • It would be nice to have the version-dependent code only in one place, perhaps generate/copy it. For instance, we have 3 JChannelTests, MessageDispatcherTests, RpcDispatcherTests and UPGRADE protocols!

Space for JGroups-based projects which bring in additional dependencies.

