
WebJar for jitsi-meet





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WebJar for jitsi-meet
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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.webjars.npm/github-com-jitsi-jitsi-meet/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.webjars.npm/github-com-jitsi-jitsi-meet/
implementation 'org.webjars.npm:github-com-jitsi-jitsi-meet:0.0.0'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.webjars.npm/github-com-jitsi-jitsi-meet/
implementation ("org.webjars.npm:github-com-jitsi-jitsi-meet:0.0.0")
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@Grab(group='org.webjars.npm', module='github-com-jitsi-jitsi-meet', version='0.0.0')
libraryDependencies += "org.webjars.npm" % "github-com-jitsi-jitsi-meet" % "0.0.0"
[org.webjars.npm/github-com-jitsi-jitsi-meet "0.0.0"]


compile (75)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.webjars.npm : react-native-community__async-storage jar [1.3.4]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__theme jar [7.0.2]
org.webjars.npm : i18n-iso-countries jar [3.7.8]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__tooltip jar [12.1.13]
org.webjars.npm » github-com-jitsi-js-utils jar [192b1c996e8c05530eb1f19e82a31069c3021e31]
org.webjars.npm : dropbox jar [4.0.9]
org.webjars.npm » react-native-background-timer jar [2.1.1]
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org.webjars.npm : moment jar [2.19.4]
org.webjars.npm : react-native jar [0.60.5]
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org.webjars.npm : js-md5 jar [0.6.1]
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org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__modal-dialog jar [8.0.1]
org.webjars.npm : react-native-google-signin jar [2.0.0]
org.webjars.npm : react jar [16.8.6]
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org.webjars.npm » react-native-callstats jar [3.61.0]
org.webjars.npm : uuid jar [3.1.0]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__field-text-area jar [4.0.15]
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org.webjars.npm : microsoft__microsoft-graph-client jar [1.1.0]
org.webjars.npm : tensorflow-models__body-pix jar [1.0.1,2)
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org.webjars.npm » github-com-jitsi-react-native-calendar-events jar [902e6e92d6bae450a6052f76ba4d02f977ffd8f2]
org.webjars.npm : react-native-sound jar [0.11.0]
org.webjars.npm : tensorflow__tfjs jar [1.1.2,2)
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org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__flag jar [9.1.8]
org.webjars.npm » react-native-watch-connectivity jar [0.2.0]
org.webjars.npm : react-dom jar [16.8.6]
org.webjars.npm : react-textarea-autosize jar [7.1.0]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__checkbox jar [5.0.10]
org.webjars.npm : xmldom jar [0.1.27]
org.webjars.npm : redux jar [4.0.4]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__tabs jar [8.0.11]
org.webjars.npm : amplitude-js jar [4.5.2]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__toggle jar [5.0.14]
org.webjars.npm » react-native-keep-awake jar [4.0.0]
org.webjars.npm » webcomponents__url jar [0.7.1]
org.webjars.npm : react-native-vector-icons jar [6.0.2]
org.webjars.npm : react-native-community__netinfo jar [4.1.5]
org.webjars.npm : react-transition-group jar [2.4.0]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__spinner jar [9.0.13]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__multi-select jar [11.0.13]
org.webjars.npm : jquery-i18next jar [1.2.1]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__inline-message jar [7.0.10]
org.webjars.npm » atlaskit__inline-dialog jar [5.3.0]
org.webjars.npm : windows-iana jar [3.1.0,4)
org.webjars.npm : react-redux jar [7.1.0]
org.webjars.npm » github-com-mmig-libflac-js jar [93d37e7f811f01cf7d8b6a603e38bd3c3810907d]

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences

Jitsi Meet is an open-source (Apache) WebRTC JavaScript application that uses Jitsi Videobridge to provide high quality, secure and scalable video conferences. Jitsi Meet in action can be seen at here at the session #482 of the VoIP Users Conference.

The Jitsi Meet client runs in your browser, without installing anything else on your computer. You can try it out at https://meet.jit.si.

Jitsi Meet allows very efficient collaboration. Users can stream their desktop or only some windows. It also supports shared document editing with Etherpad.


On the client side, no installation is necessary. You just point your browser to the URL of your deployment. This section is about installing a Jitsi Meet suite on your server and hosting your own conferencing service.

Installing Jitsi Meet is a simple experience. For Debian-based system, following the quick install document, which uses the package system. You can also see a demonstration of the process in this tutorial video.

For other systems, or if you wish to install all components manually, see the detailed manual installation instructions.

Installation with Docker is also available. Please see the instruction.


Latest stable release release

You can download Debian/Ubuntu binaries:

You can download source archives (produced by make source-package):

Mobile apps

You can also sign up for our open beta testing here:

Release notes

Release notes for Jitsi Meet are maintained on this repository.


For web development see here, and for mobile see here.


If you are looking to contribute to Jitsi Meet, first of all, thank you! Please see our guidelines for contributing.

Embedding in external applications

Jitsi Meet provides a very flexible way of embedding in external applications by using the Jitsi Meet API.


The security section here was starting to feel a bit too succinct for the complexity of the topic, so we created a post that covers the topic much more broadly here: https://jitsi.org/security

The section on end-to-end encryption in that document is likely going to be one of the key points of interest: https://jitsi.org/security/#e2ee

Security issues

For information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Jitsi Meet, see SECURITY.md.


Jitsi Meet started out as a sample conferencing application using Jitsi Videobridge. It was originally developed by ESTOS' developer Philipp Hancke who then contributed it to the community where development continues with joint forces!



