Gradle JarJar Repackage Plugin
Plugin for gradle which allows you to repackage jar-libraries with different package names using JarJar tool.
In Android development there are some situations when library packaged inside your *.apk-file already exists on the device firmware. In such case java class loader prefer device's library version instead of your own packaged inside an *.apk. If you using newest version of library than that that exists on a device you can stuck in a trouble. Your newest library version can have changed signatures which can cause a runtime exception.
For example on some HTC devices there are pre-installed GSON library for sereializing/desereializing to/from JSON. And if you use newest GSON version in your own project you'll get runtime errors with this.
Download the latest version or grab it via Gradle:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'ru.tinkoff.gradle:jarjar:1.1.0'
apply plugin: 'ru.tinkoff.gradle.jarjar'
dependencies {
// Which artifacts should be repackaged
jarJar ''
// Repackaged jars will be placed here, adding them to classpath
compile fileTree(dir: './build/libs', include: ['*.jar'])
jarJar {
// OPTIONAL - jarjar artifact from Central Repository
jarJarDependency 'com.googlecode.jarjar:jarjar:1.3'
// Dependencies and related JarJar rules
rules = ['gson-2.3.jar': '** ru.tinkoff.core.gson.@1']
Plugin available under MIT license