
'Library for parsing report files from static code analysis'





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'Library for parsing report files from static code analysis'
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compile (8)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.squareup.retrofit2 : retrofit jar 2.0.0
com.squareup.retrofit2 : converter-gson jar 2.0.0
com.squareup.okhttp : okhttp jar 2.7.5
com.jayway.jsonpath : json-path jar 2.1.0 : guava jar 16.0.1
org.eclipse.jgit : org.eclipse.jgit jar
com.github.jknack : handlebars jar 4.2.0
org.gitlab : java-gitlab-api jar 4.1.0

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Git Changelog Lib Build Status Maven Central Bintray

This is a library for generating a changelog, or releasenotes, from a GIT repository. It can also be run as a standalone program, Gradle plugin, Maven plugin or Jenkins plugin.

It is fully configurable with a Mustache template. That can:

  • Be stored to file, like There are some templates used for testing available here.
  • Or just rendered to a String.

It can integrate with Jira and/or GitHub to retrieve the title of issues.

The changelog of this project is automatically generated with this template.


This software can be used:

Here is an example template.

# Changelog

Changelog for {{ownerName}} {{repoName}}.

## {{name}}
### {{name}} [{{issue}}]({{link}}) {{title}} {{#hasIssueType}} *{{issueType}}* {{/hasIssueType}} {{#hasLabels}} {{#labels}} *{{.}}* {{/labels}} {{/hasLabels}}
### {{name}} {{issue}} {{title}} {{#hasIssueType}} *{{issueType}}* {{/hasIssueType}} {{#hasLabels}} {{#labels}} *{{.}}* {{/labels}} {{/hasLabels}}
### {{name}}


 * {{.}} 

[{{hash}}]({{ownerName}}/{{repoName}}/commit/{{hash}}) {{authorName}} *{{commitTime}}*



There are some examples here that are ready to use.

There are also different variations here that are used for testing.


The template is supplied with this context:

Click here to show context

- ownerName (Derived from the clone URL, for this repo it would be "tomasbjerre")
- repoName (Derived from the clone URL, for this repo it would be "git-changelog-lib")
* commits
 - authorName
 - authorEmailAddress
 - commitTime
 - hash
 - hashFull
 - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
 - message (The full message)
 - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
 - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
 * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
* tags
 - name
 - annotation
 - tagTime
 - hasTagTime
 * commits
  - authorName
  - authorEmailAddress
  - commitTime
  - hash
  - hashFull
  - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
  - message (The full message)
  - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
  - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
  * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
 * authors
  - authorName
  - authorEmail
  * commits
   - authorName
   - authorEmailAddress
   - commitTime
   - hash
   - hashFull
   - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
   - message (The full message)
   - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
   - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
   * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
 * issueTypes
  - name (Like GitHub, GitLab, Jira, ...)
  * issues
   - name
   - hasIssue
   - issue
   - hasLink
   - link
   - hasTitle
   - title
   - hasDescription
   - description
   - hasType
   - type
   - isJira
   - isGitHub
   - isGitLab
   - isCustom
   - isNoIssue
   - hasLabels
   - labels
   - hasLinkedIssues
   - linkedIssues
   * commits
    - authorName
    - authorEmailAddress
    - commitTime
    - hash
    - hashFull
    - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
    - message (The full message)
    - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
    - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
    * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
   * authors
    - authorName
    - authorEmail
    * commits
     - authorName
     - authorEmailAddress
     - commitTime
     - hash
     - hashFull
     - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
     - message (The full message)
     - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
     - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
     * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
 * issues
  - name
  - hasIssue
  - issue
  - hasLink
  - link
  - hasTitle
  - title
  - hasDescription
  - description
  - hasType
  - type
  - isJira
  - isGitHub
  - isGitLab
  - isCustom
  - isNoIssue
  - hasLabels
  - labels
  - hasLinkedIssues
  - linkedIssues
  * commits
   - authorName
   - authorEmailAddress
   - commitTime
   - hash
   - hashFull
   - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
   - message (The full message)
   - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
   - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
   * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
  * authors
   - authorName
   - authorEmail
   * commits
    - authorName
    - authorEmailAddress
    - commitTime
    - hash
    - hashFull
    - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
    - message (The full message)
    - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
    - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
    * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
* authors
 - authorName
 - authorEmail
 * commits
  - authorName
  - authorEmailAddress
  - commitTime
  - hash
  - hashFull
  - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
  - message (The full message)
  - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
  - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
  * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
* issues
 - name
 - hasIssue
 - issue
 - hasLink
 - link
 - hasTitle
 - title
 - hasDescription
 - description
 - hasType
 - type
 - isJira
 - isGitHub
 - isGitLab
 - isCustom
 - isNoIssue
 - hasLabels
 - labels
 - hasLinkedIssues
 - linkedIssues
 * commits
  - authorName
  - authorEmailAddress
  - commitTime
  - hash
  - hashFull
  - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
  - message (The full message)
  - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
  - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
  * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
 * authors
  - authorName
  - authorEmail
  * commits
   - authorName
   - authorEmailAddress
   - commitTime
   - hash
   - hashFull
   - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
   - message (The full message)
   - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
   - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
   * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)


It has a builder for creating the changelog.


It can also create releasenotes. If you are using git flow it may look like this.


Settings can be supplied with a JSON config (documented here).

