Generate documentation for your Dagger topology. A annotation processor scans for Dagger2 annotations and generates a dependency graph out of it. The result writer of the annotation processor is pluggable (ServiceLocator). The default writer spits out a text file in mermaid syntax. You can convert this into a SVG by pasting it into the mermaid online editor. A result could look like that:
- 2019/05/15 - 0.4 Release: HTML Report
- 2018/10/30 - 0.3 Release: Fix multiple multi bindings
- 2018/10/25 - 0.2 Release: @ModuleDoc annotation with category/layer
- 2018/10/12 - 0.1 Release: Show simple component/module relations
- Define a new configuration named 'daggerDoc':
configurations {
- Setup the required dependencies:
dependencies {
daggerDoc 'io.morethan.daggerdoc:dagger-doc-annotation-processor:0.2'
- Add the daggerDoc task:
task daggerDoc(type: JavaCompile, group: 'build', description: 'Generates a visual dagger dependency report') {
source = sourceSets.main.java
classpath = configurations.compile + configurations.daggerDoc
//log, mermaid, graphviz
def writers = project.properties.get('writers', '');
options.compilerArgs = [
"-processor", "io.morethan.daggerdoc.DaggerDocProcessor",
destinationDir = file("build/reports/dagger")
Gradle KTS
- Define a new configuration named 'daggerDoc':
val daggerDoc by configurations.creating
- Setup the required dependencies:
dependencies {
daggerDoc(group = "io.morethan.daggerdoc", name = "dagger-doc-annotation-processor", version = "0.2")
- Add the daggerDoc task:
task<JavaCompile>("daggerDoc") {
source = sourceSets["main"].java
classpath = sourceSets["main"].runtimeClasspath + configurations.annotationProcessor + configurations["daggerDoc"]
destinationDir = file("build/reports/dagger")
Project Build
Useful Tasks
- Build html report files
- Plain NPM
cd html-report npm run build npm run watch
- With Gradle:
./gradlew npmBuild
- Open index.html of html-report:
./gradlew openHtmlReport
- Generate project reports for example project:
./gradlew daggerDoc --no-daemon --offline
Release Project
Tell gradle about the gpg key and sonatype/bintray/signing credentials, e.g. through ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
- sonatypeUsername=$yourSonatypeUser
- sonatypePassword=$yourSonatypePassword
- bintrayUser=$yourBintrayUser
- bintrayKey=$yourBintrayKey
- signing.keyId=$yourKeyId
- signing.password=$yourKeyPassphrase
- signing.secretKeyRingFile=/Users/$username/.gnupg/secring.gpg
Increase version in build.properties to the release version and commit
Build the release:
./gradlew publish
Upload to Bintray repository:
./gradlew bintrayUpload
and release the artifacts on https://bintray.com -
Check artifacts for arrival: http://jcenter.bintray.com/io/morethan/daggerdoc/
Tag the release with
git tag -a $releaseVersion -m "Tag for $releaseVersion release"
git push --tags