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Last Version 5.0-ALPHA-15 →
it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:superpom 4.2
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A feature-rich SuperPOM for building Java projects. It features:
* explicit version configuration for a number of plugins;
* easy configurability by means of pre-defined properties to avoid cut & copy of plugin sections.
A number of profiles, easily activatable, are available for:
* Spring-AOP configuration;
* different kinds of Continous Integration tasks, including a full run of QA tools such as JaCoCo, FindBugs, PMD, etc...
* deploying WARs and locally running them with Tomcat or Jetty;
* creating a Mac OS X bundle for JavaFX applications;
* creating .deb packages for both application and services;
* a customized release cycle, including all requirements for the Maven Central such as signing, with a 'transactional' behaviour
(all artifacts, both the DSCM and the Maven artifacts are prepared on the local disk, so they can be uploaded in a second moment);
Remember to customise it
If you use it, please remember to change the ```description```,```url```, ```organization```, ```developers```, ```license```, etc...
to override those related to the development of this POM.
GroupId |
GroupIdit.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings |
ArtifactId |
ArtifactIdsuperpom |
Version |
Version4.2 |
Type |
Typetar.gz |