Project Group: de.openkeyword

OKW - OpenKeyWord

de.openkeyword : core

This is the core-module of OpenKeyWord. This module is automatically integrated by the adapters. In GUI automation, the core module is automatically integrated by the GUI modules (dependencies).

Last Version: 0.2.44

Release Date:


de.openkeyword : autoit

OKW - OpenKeyWord is a framework for keyword-driven testing. OKW is like a glue: it is the link between the test case description and the user activity on GUI. OKW dramatically reduces the cost of creating and maintaining test cases.

Last Version: 0.2.44

Release Date:


de.openkeyword : log2html

OKW - OpenKeyWord is a framework for keyword-driven testing. OKW is like a glue: it is the link between the test case description and the user activity on GUI. OKW dramatically reduces the cost of creating and maintaining test cases.

Last Version: 0.2.44

Release Date:


de.openkeyword : okw

OKW - OpenKeyWord is a framework for keyword-driven testing. OKW is like a glue: it is the link between the test case description and the user activity on GUI. OKW dramatically reduces the cost of creating and maintaining test cases.

Last Version: 0.2.44

Release Date:


de.openkeyword : se

This is the OpenKeyWord Selenium GUI-Adapter-module. Se defines default GUI-Adapter ( Pushbutton, Link, Textfield...) Add this module in to your maven Project to automate Web-GUI. See Dependency Information. You can also use -Se- as a base-class in your own Project or Product specific GUI-Adapter.

Last Version: 0.2.44

Release Date:

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