OkHttp Aether Connector

A repository connector implementation based on Square's OkHttp.







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OkHttp Aether Connector
A repository connector implementation based on Square's OkHttp.
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How to add to project

<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.tesla.aether/aether-connector-okhttp/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.tesla.aether/aether-connector-okhttp/
implementation 'io.tesla.aether:aether-connector-okhttp:0.0.11'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.tesla.aether/aether-connector-okhttp/
implementation ("io.tesla.aether:aether-connector-okhttp:0.0.11")
<dependency org="io.tesla.aether" name="aether-connector-okhttp" rev="0.0.11">
  <artifact name="aether-connector-okhttp" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.tesla.aether', module='aether-connector-okhttp', version='0.0.11')
libraryDependencies += "io.tesla.aether" % "aether-connector-okhttp" % "0.0.11"
[io.tesla.aether/aether-connector-okhttp "0.0.11"]


compile (9)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.squareup.okhttp : okhttp jar 1.3.0
org.eclipse.aether : aether-api jar 0.9.0.M2
org.eclipse.aether : aether-spi jar 0.9.0.M2
org.eclipse.aether : aether-util jar 0.9.0.M2
org.eclipse.aether : aether-impl jar 0.9.0.M2
com.google.guava : guava jar 14.0.1
javax.inject : javax.inject jar 1
org.apache.maven.wagon : wagon-provider-api jar 2.4
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.2

provided (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.codehaus.plexus : plexus-component-annotations Optional jar 1.5.5
org.eclipse.sisu : org.eclipse.sisu.plexus jar 0.0.0.M2a

test (7)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 4.8.1
org.slf4j : slf4j-simple jar 1.7.2
org.bouncycastle : bcprov-jdk15on jar 1.47
org.mortbay.jetty.npn : npn-boot jar 8.1.2.v20120308
com.google.mockwebserver : mockwebserver jar 20130201
org.eclipse.aether : aether-test-util jar 0.9.0.M2
io.provis : provisio-webserver-jetty8 jar 0.0.2

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.


A Maven-based provisioning mechanism and replacement for the maven-assembly-plugin.

Provisio was originally created for the Presto project to provide a common way to build Presto plugins and build the Presto Server. You'll notice how small the Presto Server pom.xml is even though, at the time of this writing, there are 30+ plugins packaged in the Presto Server build as per the Provisio descriptor. As you'll read below, you only need to specify what you need in the Provisio descriptor and Maven will figure out the rest, correctly, without having to pollute your pom.xml with duplicated dependendency declarations.

Support for building runtimes

To use Provisio declare its use in your project's pom.xml and be sure to set the packaging to provisio and enable the plugin as an extension. Provisio implements a Maven LifecyclePartipant that inspects all the artifacts used in your runtime descriptor and will order your build accordingly. You might notice below the conspicuous lack of a dependencies section: you do not need to include a dependency in your pom.xml for an artifact produced in the current build to have it be included in your runtime. Provisio will find all the artifact references in your runtime descriptor, determine the correct build ordering, and instruct Maven to make the necessary changes.



Below we are constructing a runtime that has some legal notices, a launcher, some libraries, and plugins. To reiterate you do not need to specify any of the artifact dependencies in your pom.xml. Provisio will see that you have ca.vanzyl.ollie:plugin-one:${project.version} in the descriptor and knows this artifact is present in your multi-module build. Provisio will make sure Maven builds ca.vanzyl.ollie:plugin-one:${project.version} first so that it can be packaged as part of this runtime build.

  <!-- Provisio determines what archive type it's dealing with by the extension tar.gz here -->
  <archive name="${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.tar.gz" />

  <!-- Notices -->
  <fileSet to="/">
    <directory path="${basedir}">

  <!-- Launcher -->
  <artifactSet to="/bin">
    <artifact id="io.airlift:launcher:tar.gz:bin:0.124">
      <unpack />
    <artifact id="io.airlift:launcher:tar.gz:properties:0.124">
      <unpack filter="true" />

  <fileSet to="/etc">
    <directory path="${basedir}/src/main/etc"/>

  <!-- Main -->
  <artifactSet to="/lib">
    <artifact id="ca.vanzyl.ollie:ollie-main:${project.version}">

  <!-- Plugins -->
  <artifactSet to="/plugins/one">
    <artifact id="ca.vanzyl.ollie:plugin-one:${project.version}">

  <artifactSet to="/plugins/two">
    <artifact id="ca.vanzyl.ollie:plugin-two:${project.version}">


Provisio descriptors are searched for in src/main/provisio and the runtime descriptor can be named anything provided it has an .xml extension. So src/main/provisio/server.xml or src/main/provisio/runtime.xml would be perfectly suitable names for your runtime descriptor.

What follows are various techniques and capabilities for building runtimes. Provisio is very good at working with the zip and tar.gz formats, and very good at manipulating Maven artifacts and sets of Maven artifacts.

Hardlinking in TAR archives


  <!-- Produce the archive of this runtime with duplicate JARS hardlinked -->
  <archive name="presto-server-${project.version}.tar.gz" hardLinkIncludes="**/*.jar" />

  <!-- Dereference hardlinks in tar.gz and exclude a directory on the fly -->
  <artifactSet to="/">
    <artifact id="io.prestosql:presto-server:tar.gz:${dep.presto.version}">
      <unpack dereferenceHardlinks="true" useRoot="false" />
      <exclude dir="plugin/hive-hadoop2" />

Excluding artifacts while resolving a specific artifact

  <artifactSet to="/lib">
    <artifact id="org.apache.maven:maven-core:3.3.9">
      <exclusion id="org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils"/>
      <exclusion id="org.apache.maven:maven-model"/>      

Globally excluding artifacts while transitively resolving artifacts

  <artifactSet to="/lib">
    <exclusion id="org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils"/>
    <exclusion id="org.apache.maven:maven-model"/>          
    <artifact id="org.codehaus.modello:modello-core:1.8.3"/>
    <artifact id="org.apache.maven:maven-core:3.3.9"/>

Filtering resources while unpacking archives

  <artifactSet to="/">
    <artifact id="ca.vanzyl:archive-with-resources-to-filter:1.0.0">
      <unpack useRoot="true" filtering="true" />

Mustache filtering resources while unpacking archives

  <artifactSet to="/">
    <artifact id="ca.vanzyl:archive-with-mustache-templates:1.0.0">
      <unpack useRoot="true" mustache="true" />

Deleting an artifact out of an archive on the fly

  <artifactSet to="/lib">
    <artifact id="org.eclipse.hudson:hudson-war:war:3.3.3" as="hudson-war-3.3.3.jar">
          <file path="/WEB-INF/lib/hudson-core-3.3.3.jar"/>

Inserting artifacts into archives on the fly

  <artifactSet to="/lib">
    <artifact id="org.eclipse.hudson:hudson-war:war:3.3.3" as="hudson-war-3.3.3.jar">

Standard addition of files to a runtime

  <fileSet to="/">
    <directory path="${basedir}">

  <fileSet to="/etc">
    <file path="${basedir}/src/main/etc/jvm.config"/>
    <file path="${basedir}/src/main/etc/config.properties"/>
    <directory path="${basedir}/src/main/etc">

Automatic exclusions in parent/child artifactSet relationships

   | Logback classic >> Logback core >> SLF4J API so we expect the following
   | shape:
   | lib/
   |   logback-classic
   |   ext/
   |     logback-core
   |     slf4j-api
   | In this case we expect logback core to act as an exclude in the parent
   | artifact set so that it will only be resolve in the child artifact set.
  <artifactSet to="lib">
    <artifact id="ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:${logbackVersion}"/>
    <artifactSet to="ext">
      <artifact id="ch.qos.logback:logback-core:${logbackVersion}"/>



