Project Group: net.razorvine


net.razorvine : pickle

A feature complete pickle protocol implementation (Python's builtin serialization mechanism)

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:


net.razorvine : pyrolite

This library allows your Java program to interface very easily with the Python world. It uses the Pyro protocol to call methods on remote objects. (See Pyrolite only implements part of the client side Pyro library, hence its name 'lite'... So if you don't need Pyro's full feature set, Pyrolite may be a good choice to connect java or .NET and python. Version 5.0 changes: support Pyro5 wire protocol. Dropped support of Pyro4 (stick to version 4.xx for that).

Last Version: 5.1

Release Date:


net.razorvine : serpent

Serpent serializes an object tree into a Python ast.literal_eval() compatible literal expression. It is safe to send serpent data to other machines over the network for instance (because only 'safe' literals are encoded). There is also a deserializer or parse provided that turns such a literal expression back into the appropriate Java object tree. It is an alternative to JSON to provide easy data integration between Java and Python. Serpent is more expressive as JSON (it supports more data types).

Last Version: 1.40

Release Date:

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